
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Don’t Live for a Legacy

Live and enjoy the Now, knowing it is a prophetic expression of a future not your own.

My oldest brother died on July 1st 2024.  Yesterday our family was helping my brother’s widow clean out their Quonset on the acreage.  Signs of my brother’s existence are fading away.  It’s sad and inevitable.  Memories and some mementos remain, but they fade too.  We are all but dust in the wind on the historic march of humanity.  We each occupy our space in time, and then move on.  Reflecting on how quickly our time comes and goes, at first pass it sounds like life is therefore meaningless. 

Au contraire…I think this gives us meaning.

Given the realities of the brief appearance we make in humanity's historical drama, how we focus on the Now and in the space we occupy in the webs of relationships we possess, gives great purpose to our lives.  How can you make this space beautiful and enjoyable Now?  Yes, the way you live will have generational impact.  Yes, it will echo forward into the lives, habits, perspectives and values that you leave as your ‘legacy’.  And to live only for a ‘legacy’ is a miss.  It can cause you to overshoot into the future and miss the meaning and joy of the Now.

Live your life in the Now.  Live it with joy.  Live it conscientiously (which for me means to live according to the Way of Christ) so that the benefit and blessing is experienced not only Now, but in the future lives and memories of the people who inhabit your world on this journey.

Live and enjoy the Now, knowing it is a prophetic expression of a future not your own.



1 comment:

  1. I don't think this is an either/or situation. You can seize the day and make the most of the present while also leaving a strong legacy that will impact the generation(s) behind you. George had significant impact on my life thru his ministry at camp and thankful for his commitment to use his time, energy and talents to bless so many.
