Expansion isn't necessarily a sign of growth. It could just be swelling.
When a church wants to grow, it's a good thing. But what kind of growth?
The metaphors of growth Jesus used in His parable-stories are clues to how churches can map their path to true 'expansion'. The mustard seed, salt, yeast and light metaphors are about growth, but a kind that is organic and permeates its' environment.
The numbers of people in the proverbial pew do not adequately represent Kingdom growth. To design a church's budget, staffing and programs around that growth metric is an exercise in missing the point of the parables of Jesus.
Influence and integration of our surroundings is the point.
Two questions for you and your church:
- Is your church equipping and releasing you for influence in the places and spaces where you spend the bulk of your life: your workplace, community, family and social life?
- How can that change?
YOU are yeast and seed and salt and light. Your world needs your influence and integration.