This is not His ‘good news’. It makes me sad and frustrated at how far the expression of this Gospel has strayed from its original story.
It’s only in the last decade I have come to extricate myself from a narrow and truncated version of God’s Grand Story for the world that was so often put forward by some within evangelicalism. Yes, I am deconstructing – and in reality we all should be. Not to destroy and abandon, but to renew, rebuild and restore. Our faith is not static. How can it be if it is focused on the Creator of the Universe???? Can you remain in your knowing, thinking you’ve ‘got it’?
What happened to love? What happened to inclusion? What happened to embracing the outcast? What happened to radical hospitality? What happened to resisting and even challenging the straitjacket that is religion? What happened to living as a representative of Jesus Christ, who displayed all these things I just mentioned?
What happened is that instead of living out His ways in the workplace, the neighbourhood, and wherever we go in our lives - and thereby attracting people to that way and truth about real, abundant life - contemporary Christianity chose to slice and dice the Bible as though it was merely a divine last word theology-text, draw the lines of who can qualify as a Christian, develop the words and the rules of entry into God’s Kingdom and in effect, take on the role of humanity’s judge.
A tragic case of missing the point.
The Gospel is indeed Good News for the world in that ALL THINGS will be restored to God’s original intentions though Christ. As we live according to His ways, that process of restoration is being enacted in real-time. God’s good news is that in Christ there is a path to abundant living with nature, with each other and with our Creator.The earth desperately needs good news. My personal sense is that everyone in this world has a primal sense that things could and should be better. Don’t we all long for more peace, more love, more abundance and joy? The Good News is that Christ is the Way to that kind of life.
Let’s show up and show that Way.