
Thursday, November 18, 2021

This is a Good Thing

We thought we could do it. Our activism and proactive planning bore that out.

No longer.

Our ability and freedom to act as we think we should in order to build the Kingdom of God (or our own kingdoms?) has been severely curtailed.  The way to the future is now murky.  Attempts are being made by leaders to get back to what was, but those attempts aren’t bearing fruit.  They likely never will.

Perhaps this is a good thing. A gift from God.

We were reduced to digital reaches and initially were giddy at the potential.  However, the stats around actual engagement are dubious at best.  We could still connect personally, but that was reduced to small circles of family, neighbours and co-workers as pandemic rules allowed.  Our reach narrowed.  It was simplified.

Perhaps this is a good thing. A gift from God.

Previously our actions and even our prayers were a means of putting us in charge of the growth and the affairs of God’s Kingdom.  We planned, executed, made policy and processes, developed seminars, services and studies.  Activism. I dare say that even our prayers accompanying all those plans were assertive and even demanding of God.  Activist prayers.  And now, control is no longer in our hands.

Perhaps this is a good thing. A gift from God.

Could this be a time, now that so much of our previous power, control and freedom has been taken away from us, to reconnect with our identity as God’s servants, and begin to pray as Mary  - “let it be done to me (us) according to your word”.  That is a servant’s prayer, not that of the activist.  A prayer that asks God to make us the person(s) through whom He can reveal Himself and bring His will into being in this world.



Move when He prompts.

Sit when He is silent.

Be present in the moment.

Accept the daily bread as enough provision for the day, the moment.

Surrender control.

Like a servant.